Dependence Test

A Basic Dependence Test


Answer the following questions truthfully:

  1. Do you often think about drinking?

  2. Do you often hanker after a drink?

  3. Do you need to drink to relax?

  4. Do you need to drink to calm down?

  5. Do you avoid parties where alcohol is not served?

  6. Do you often drink alone?

  7. Do you often drink in secret?

  8. Do you always drink more than one?

  9. Do you drink too much?

  10. Do you brag about how much you can drink?

  11. Do you drink the first one fast?

  12. Do you sometimes drink for days on end?

  13. Do you need more liquor to feel happy?

  14. Do you often have hangovers?

  15. Do you need a drink to help you ‘start the day right’ in the morning?

  16. Do you get black-outs when you drink?

  17. Do you suffer from loss of appetite when drinking?

  18. Does your sleeping pattern change when you drink?

  19. Have your relationships been harmed due to drinking?

  20. Do you experience problems at work because of drinking?

  21. Do you have financial problems because of drinking?

  22. Do you neglect your faith on account of alcohol?

  23. Did your health deteriorate due to alcohol?

  24. Are your eyes and face sometimes red on account of alcohol?

  25. Do you sometimes suffer hallucinations and delusions?

  26. Do you refuse to discuss your drinking?

  27. Do you get angry when someone addresses you about drinking?

  28. Does your drinking cause embarrassment?

  29. Do you look for excuses to drink?

  30. Do you compel others to drink with you?


familywidekleinThe more answers you answered YES to, the higher the likelihood you have a problem.

Some researchers maintain that an addiction problem has already started developing if you have answered “yes” to 3 questions.

The more “yes” answers there are, the more serious the addiction.

Join CAD if you want to get free assistance for yourself or for someone else.

Please don’t be ashamed to get help. It takes more than just will-power to quit drinking.  Remember, dependence is not just for the outcasts of society, dependence leads to becoming an outcast of society.

There are many professional people who suffer from substance abuse. Alcohol, pills or even drugs. Think seriously about your future if you feel you have a problem. We cannot stress this enough – at the CAD you do not have to worry about being labelled with the stigma of Alcoholism or abuse. Every meeting is confidential.

Join the CAD today for the support you need.