Welcome to the CAD
If you came to this page the chances are good that you suspect you might have a substance addiction. Or you may be worried about someone who you think or know has a problem.
You have come to the right place for help.
The CAD is people-loving organization with Christian values.
The CAD is NOT a treatment centre. We mostly consist of ex-dependents and co-dependents that support each other by means of gatherings or personal interaction. We are people just like you with no hidden agenda or strange practices. We are fathers, mothers, children etc. that has personal experience with the sadness and life-destroying consequences of substance abuse.
We are rehabilitated active vibrant members of the community like businessmen, bankers, teachers, lawyers etc.
Most support groups are sadly stereotyped in films as a bunch of misfits that sits in a group crying while spilling all their personal beans. Well, sitting in a group is where the similarity ends. Every meeting usually has a unique topic or activity. We get guest speakers not to only come and talk about addiction, but other life issues to help build a healthy sober lifestyle. All meetings are confidential, so you do not have to worry about your ‘secret’ coming out – we have all been there and know the feeling quite well.
The meetings are very informal. If you would like to join or have someone join contact us, or just show up at the next meeting.
On a lighter note here are a few answers to common questions and misconceptions:
You will NOT be –
Looked at funny
Asked funny questions
Asked to tell your story
Asked to donate money
Asked to break down and confess
Given medication
Held against your will
Converted to some strange religion
Asked to sign agreements or documents
Sitting next to someone who smells like alcohol or is tripping out
You WILL be –
Glad that you have taken the first step to repairing a life!
Meeting people who has or had problems just like you
Feeling accepted for who YOU are
Feeling at ease
Satisfied with your decision
Learning about yourself
Learning about others
Learning about dependence and it’s effects
Learning about abstinence
Enjoying life again
And many more..
If you feel the need join the time is right that you do!
And if you have questions about the CAD contact us – you don’t even have to give your name.